Having completed work on their new processing plant, the bosses of China's CATL group and its partner Putailai are now waiting only for the Covid-19 crisis to ease to officially …
On its website, the British company Central Copper Resources (CCR) says it controls 65% of Comilu SA (Compagnie Minière de Lukaya SA), operator of the …
In 2006, Compagnie Minière de Luisha (COMILU) was founded to run the mine, set up as a joint venture between China Overseas Engineering Group (COVEC) (72%) and the …
Established in 2006, this JV mines the 26.1 million tonnes of Luisha copper and cobalt deposits, the 1.45 million tonnes of Kalumbwe and Myunga deposits, and has a fairly …
In 2006 a joint venture, Compagnie Minière de Luisha (COMILU), was established between China Railway, Gécamines, and another China Railway subsidiary, the China …
The Luishia (sometimes spelled Luisha) group of sediment hosted copper-cobalt deposits are located in the central Congolese Copperbelt, ~80 km NW of Lubumbashi and ~38 …
Democratic Republic of Congo. Background. n 2006, Compagnie Minière de Luisha (COMILU) was founded to run the mine, set up as a joint venture between …
responsabilité limitée dénommée la Compagnie Minière de Luisha (COMILU) a été signé entre la GECAMINES et COVEC ayant pour objet toutes opérations de prospection, de …
Division des Mines du Haut-Katanga. janvier 2021. Ces tableaux présentent les productions mensuelles par entité de traitement, par type de produit, ainsi que les montants de la …
Compagnie Minière de Luisha (COMILU) Contrat de création de société (2006) « Compagnie Minière de Luisha SPRL » (COMILU) entre d'une part China National …