Kenya's $100 billion hidden mineral deposits

Kenya's profile as a potential top rare earth minerals producer rose a rung higher after mineral explorer Cortec announced it had found deposits worth $62.4 …

Kenya's mineral mapping reveals significant …

Kenya has confirmed deposits of titanium, gold and coal and is also agreed to hold major deposits of copper, niobium, manganese and rare earth minerals. President Uhuru Kenyatta in the past created the …

Le Kenya s'ajoute à la liste des pays africains qui déclarent …

Le Kenya a identifié des gisements de coltan dans six comtés du pays. C'est l'annonce faite mercredi 24 janvier par le ministre des Mines, Salim Mvurya, qui précise …

Howafrica | List of Minerals in Kenya and Where They Are …

The following are the minerals found in Kenya; 1. Rare Earth Metals. Rare Earth elements/metals are a set of 17 metallic elements that include scandium and …

Minerals | Free Full-Text | Kenya’s Mineral Landscape: …

Kenya was ranked as the 10th highest exporter of Nb, Ta, V, and Zr ore worldwide in 2021, with USD 44.1M in exports of these metals [ 57 ]. Nb, Ta, V, and Zr …

Survey reveals Kenya has some 970 minerals | Nation

It has emerged that the country has immense underground wealth after a survey found that there are 970 minerals nationwide. The minerals have been classified as "potential prospects" for further …

Kenya Terres rares : Nairobi se relance dans la course

L'entreprise cherche ainsi à mettre la main sur un permis de terres rares au Kenya. Jusqu'ici concentrée principalement sur l'Australie, la société a récemment renforcé son …

Le Kenya évaluera son potentiel en métaux nécessaires à la …

Au Kenya, le ministère des Mines lancera la semaine prochaine un processus de confirmation de plusieurs occurrences minérales, dont le cuivre, le …

Kenya Strikes Gold with Coltan: A Rare Mineral for the Future

Kenya has announced the discovery of its first deposits of coltan, a rare mineral that is essential for making electric car batteries, mobile phones, and other electronic devices. The findings could boost the country's mining sector and create more …

Kenya s Mineral Landscape: A Review of the Mining …

region has specific types of metal that have been determined to be crucial and strategically important for their economies. Kenya classified Ti, gas, oil, Cu, …