Demonization of 3T (coltan, cassiterite

It is an island of 36 squares, amputated in 2000 as spoils of war from the property of SAKIMA, currently reduced to 324 squares, during the occupation of this part of the Republic by the rebel movement …

Switzerland investigates metal trader over Congo …

A 2009 investigation by the UN found Huber was "involved in the large-scale transport of coltan out of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Rwanda" when RCD-Goma, a Rwanda-backed armed group,...

M23 rebels claim control of DR Congo's coltan mining town …

M23 rebels in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have taken control of Rubaya, a key mining town for the smartphone mineral coltan, following days of intense …

4 Coltan's connections to the conflict in the DRC

The goal of this chapter is to examine the connection between coltan mining and violence in the DRC. A better understanding of the role of coltan in the Congo

Coltan child miners: the dark side of the DRC's wealth

Radon, a radioactive substance associated with coltan, has been linked to lung cancer, and these child miners interact daily with the mineral without precautionary …

How is the Conflict in the Congo Linked to the Cassiterite …

They purchased land-use rights on Mataba Hill from the Rally for Congolese Democracy's (RCD) Mining Department, bypassing the approval of the Congolese …

Coltan Mining in World Heritage Sites in the Democratic …

The coltan mining is having devastating impacts on the natural values of two World Heritage sites, notably Kahuzi-Biega National Park and Okapi Wildlife Reserve. These …

Coltan Boom, Gorilla Bust

Coltan Mining and Trade in Rwanda. Minerals found in Rwanda include cassiterite (a tin ore), gold and wolfram (tungsten) as well as coltan. Before the civil war, minerals – …

THE COLTAN PHENOMENON How a rare mineral has …

Until very recently, colombite-tantalite (coltan) was known only to a few specialists of mining in the Congo. The rare mineral is found at Punia, Kalima, Lugushwa und more …

DRC: Two groups critical of coltan mining in the east

NAIROBI, 16 January (IRIN) - Two civil society organisations have criticised the mining and trade of coltan in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo.