TTEITI Launches Latest Report on Oil, Gas and Mining …

Transparency Initiative (TTEITI) launched the latest Trinidad and Tobago EITI Report 2018 as well as a new summary report called the State of the Extractive Sectors Report for …

A Feasibility Study of Tar Sands Exploitation in Trinidad

The continuous decline in Trinidad and Tobago's crude oil production has accelerated the drive to boost oil production from unconventional sources. One such …

The Viability of Oil Extraction from Trinidad Tar Sands by …

Trinidad has tar sands resources of about 2 billion barrels of oil on land in the Parrylands/Guapo and Brighton areas. With an oil price of over USD 25 per barrel, …

Trinidad and Tobago Tar Sands

• Research the use of an emulsifier for the extraction of bitumen from tar sands and related process technology to produce synthetic crude, as an alternative to conventional …

The Viability of Oil Extraction from Trinidad Tar Sands by …

In this study, we explore the viability of oil extraction from unconventional Trinidad tar sands by radio frequency (RF) heating. RF heating does not require an overburden and …

An investigation of a viable method for commercial oil …

commercial oil extraction from Trinidad tar sands. Aneil Mohammed, Raffie Hosein and Richard Dawe. Petroleum Engineering Unit. Chemical Engineering Department. The …

The Extraction of Heavy Oil from Trinidad Tar Sands …

Abstract: The work described in this paper promotes the use of supercritical fluid extraction as an environmentally friendly alternative to the current hot water/steam process for the …

The Judiciary of Trinidad and Tobago : Public Guidance : …

Q. How much does an Extract cost? A. Ten ($10.00) TT Dollars. The Judiciary of Trinidad and Tobago provides an accountable court system in which timeliness and efficiency are …

The Viability of Oil Extraction from Trinidad Tar Sands by …

With an oil price of over USD 25 per barrel, commercial extraction of oil from Trinidad tar sands is viable but requires careful study.

(PDF) The Extraction of Heavy Oil from Trinidad …

The work described in this paper promotes the use of supercritical fluid extraction as an environmentally friendly alternative to the current hot water/steam process for the extraction of heavy oil from tar sand.