Arsenic: Mineral information, data and localities.

Gallium arsenide is used as a semiconductor and laser material to convert electricity directly into coherent light. The primary use of arsenic is to alloy with other metals, such as lead and brass. It is used in agriculture, …

Mining: Production and Control of Arsenic

  1. Arsenic is a naturally occurring element commonly found as an impurity in sulfide-bearing mineral ores and volcanic rocks.
  2. Arsenic is widely distributed in rocks, soil, natural waters, and in small amounts in most living things.
  3. Arsenic is a critical mineral for a variety of uses, especially in gallium-arsenide semiconducto…
  1. Arsenic is a naturally occurring element commonly found as an impurity in sulfide-bearing mineral ores and volcanic rocks.
  2. Arsenic is widely distributed in rocks, soil, natural waters, and in small amounts in most living things.
  3. Arsenic is a critical mineral for a variety of uses, especially in gallium-arsenide semiconductors for solar cells and telecommunications
  4. The direct application of arsenic in the form of pesticides, fungicides or wood preservatives has historically been a major source of arsenic in soils, as arsenic is strongly attracted to soil part...
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Arsenic: The mineral native Arsenic information and pictures

Detailed description, properties, and locality information guide about the semi-metallic element and mineral native arsenic.

Arsenic in Mining Areas: Environmental Contamination Routes

The emission and accumulation of toxic elements such as arsenic in various environmental compartments have become increasingly frequent primarily due to …

Review on arsenic removal from sulfide minerals: An …

Selective removal of arsenic from arsenic-bearing sulfide minerals has the following significance: (i) efficient development and utilization of resources; (ii) reduce …

Pollution à l'arsenic : la rançon de la ruée vers l'or …

Aujourd'hui une centrale récupère une partie des eaux souterraines traversant la colline de l'Artus afin de les purifier. Mais …

Arsenic et composés minéraux (FT 192). Généralités

L'arsenic est assez répandu dans la nature. Ses principaux minerais sont : le mispickel (FeAsS), le plus abondant ; le réalgar (As 2 S 2) ; l'orpiment (As 2 S 3) ; la loellingite (As …

Arsenic: Will it take the shine off the red metal?

Arsenic is a poisonous element found within minerals at many of the world's copper mines. As a consequence of sulphide ore processing, arsenic is concentrated along with …

Minerais et concentrés de manganèse — Dosage de l'arsenic …

La présente Norme internationale spécifie une méthode spectrométrique de dosage de l'arsenic dans les minerais et concentrés de manganèse. La méthode est applicable …