Canadian mining company Kinross Gold Corporation has divested its 90% stake in Ghana's Chirano mine to Asante Gold Corporation for a $225m consideration …
Félicitations à Chirano Gold Mines Limited (CGML) qui a récemment achevé la transition vers l'exploitation autonome de ses mines souterraines. Lors d'une …
Asante Gold Corporation serait en pourparlers avec Kinross Gold pour le rachat de la mine de Chirano. Ces discussions illustrent la reprise en main par le …
Chirano is an operating open-pit and underground mining operation located in southwestern Ghana, immediately south of the Company's Bibiani Gold Mine. …
The Chirano mines and associated mineralized deposits lie within the Proterozoic terrain of southwest Ghana along a major structure separating the Sefwi Belt to the west from the …
Le 10août, Kinross a annoncé la finalisation de la vente de sa mine de Chirano au Ghana à l'entreprise Asante Gold Corporation, pour un montant de 225 …
The Chirano Gold Mine comprises a granted mining lease in the Western North Region of Ghana encompassing a multi-deposit complex, within which fourteen gold deposits have been identified, quantified, and reserves estimated.
the Chirano deposits are intimately associated with shears and faults along a single continuous structural corridor known as the Chirano Shear Zone (CSZ). The CSZ …
Si la finalisation de la vente de la mine d'or de Chirano entre les deux canadiens Kinross Gold Corp et Asante Gold Corp, annoncée le 25 avril 2022, se fait …
The Asante Gold Corporation has filed its Technical Report on their recently acquired Chirano Gold Mine, as required by the Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. …