gi4000 Electrosurgery Unit | STERIS

The gi4000 electrosurgery unit is the only electrosurgery generator you need to conduct thermal therapies: argon coagulation, two pulse cut modes for sphincterotomy, true …

Pulsed Lavage with Suction

Pulsed lavage with suction is a biophysical technology that assists in cleansing the wound bed, facilitating debridement, and managing bacterial count, thereby improving the …

How To Do Diagnostic Peritoneal Lavage (DPL)

Diagnostic peritoneal lavage (DPL) is an invasive emergency procedure used to detect hemoperitoneum and help determine the need for laparotomy following abdominal …

Pulse Lavage Kit

Our Pulse Lavage Kit delivers saline fluid at a pressure of 15PSI and features a built in battery, easily removed for environmentally sound disposal and to reduce clinical waste. …


This ear lavage system allows health care professionals to safely and effectively irrigate anywhere without risk of damaging the ear drum. The portable electronic ear irrigator delivers pulsed irrigation, and the included ear lavage basin makes for a …

Pulsed Lavage with Suction | Musculoskeletal Key

Pulsed lavage with suction (PLWS) is a portable, battery-powered, handheld device with two primary components: (1) the pulsed delivery of sterile irrigation fluid onto the wound surface and (2) the …

Diagnostic peritoneal lavage (DPL) or aspiration (DPA)

Diagnostic peritoneal lavage (DPL) is a rapid and easily performed but invasive bedside procedure that was once the gold standard for the evaluation of …

Pulsed Lavage with Suction | Text and Atlas of Wound …

Pulsed lavage with suction (PLWS) is a portable, battery-powered, handheld device utilized by physicians, nurses, and physical therapists to promote wound healing. The two …

5 Things You Need to Know About: Pulsed Lavage

Pulsed lavage, or pulsatile jet lavage, is a form of mechanical hydrotherapy that uses a pressurized, pulsed solution to irrigate and debride wounds of necrotic tissue. In most …

Wound Debridement

Debridement devices are medical devices such as scalpels, ultrasonic or pulsed lavage systems for use in debriding necrotic tissue from wounds such as pressure ulcers or foot …