Marcolini Marmi: top-quality marble, granite, onyx, and stone

Production and manufacturing of marble, granite, onyx, and other stones according to the best Italian style and tradition. Marcolini Marmi SpA – Made in Italy.

Why Italian marble is considered among the best in the …

Several reasons have led Italian marble to be considered among the bests in the world. From the historical point of view, marble was the most widely used material by …

From mountain to statue: the Carrara marble quarries of Italy

From the city of Carrara, the winding road gains altitude before the first narrow tunnels appear. The peaks eventually reveal their true nature: the open quarries …

Marbles from Sicily and Sardinia: Varieties and Uses

Here are some of the most used and most valuable Sicilian marbles: Perlato di Sicilia and Perlatino di Sicilia: varieties of marble with a light beige …

A visit to the Carrara marble quarries

If you do find yourself in northern Tuscany, take the time to visit the Carrara marble quarries and book a tour with CARRARA MARBLE TOUR company. It will …

sbm/sbm italy marble quarey at master

sbm italy marble quarey parlatinoPontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas Wikipedia the Angelicum in honor of its patron the Doctor Angelicus Thomas Aquinas,[4] is a …

Marble Quarry

For over 60 years we have operated our own marble quarry, based out of Altopiano di Asiago ( Italy ). There, we handle the extraction of marble blocks, sending them off to …

Italian Marble: Why Should You Buy It? | Marble

Many types of marble are quarried in Italy. If you are thinking about purchasing marble, some helpful information you may want to know is explained below. …

Italian Marble: Curiosities About the Most Valuable Varieties

the most important marble varieties from north to south. The Rosso di Verona, the Perlato di Sicilia, the Candoglia marble and the Carrara marble are certainly …

Our italian marble and stone quarries of Pietra di Vicenza

Italian stones and marbles quarries. Welcome to our Vicenza Stone and marble quarries, the place where our story began. These quarries represent the result of a unique …