Repression and Revolt in Balochistan: The Uncertainty and …

Convinced of being historically wronged, the Baloch view their fight as one against repression and for self-determination. Though residing in the same region, the …

Global Sources and Mining of Mica

Mica's role in global industries is significant due to its unique properties, from electronics to cosmetics. The demand for mica underscores its value across various sectors. Yet, the …

Overview of mineral sector of Pakistan

As evident from the geological environment and present state of exploration and mineral discoveries made, so far, Pakistan has vast potential for varieties of minerals. These …

USAID FIRMS PROJECT Assessing the Mineral Policy …

Assessing the Mineral Policy Frameworks - Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Final Report USAID Firms Project Page. i Data Page Contract Number: GBTI II Task Order …

Pakistan : enjeux et facteurs du conflit armé au Baloutchistan

Pakistan : enjeux et facteurs du conflit armé au Baloutchistan. Document source: France: Office français de protection des réfugiés et apatrides (OFPRA) Date: 8 …

Precious Lithium Deposits Discovered in Balochistan's Mashkel

Bountiful deposits of lithium and other precious minerals have been discovered in Balochistan's Mashkel region. The discovery in Hamun-e-Mashkel, a …

Mines & Minerals resources & future potential in Balochistan

Unfortunately, the mining and mineral potential of Balochistan is underutilized. Due to a lack of government oversight, the mining and minerals sector has never been developed and …

Mineral resource development in Balochistan

THE Pakistan-China agreement on the development of lead and zinc in Balochistan has opened avenues for economic exploitation and utilization of abundant …

Minerals – Board of Investment & Trade

Mineral resources of the province are abundant to provide countless opportunities for foreign investors to reap benefits. High-quality mineral deposits have been discovered in …

Balochistan Minerals: From Dust To Glory By Reema Shaukat …

According to official sources, Balochistan has a variety of sizable and valuable mineral deposits including gold, silver, copper, iron, chromite and lithium in …