Espèce: nivea. Famille: Scrophulariacées. Origine: Australie. L'Érémophile soyeuse est un arbuste au port buissonnant et érigé et au feuillage persistant. D'une croissance moyenne, elle mesure 1 à 2,50 m …
Boehmeria nivea, a Chinese grass native to East Asia, is a large shrub commonly grown for its fiber uses and for its rarity as an ornamental. It can grow up to 5-10 ft tall, and prefers a full sun to semi-shade location and …
Ramie-based composites offer a lightweight and eco-friendly alternative to traditional materials.In summary, Boehmeria nivea (Ramie) is a versatile plant with diverse applications ranging from traditional medicine to textile …
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Boehmeria nivea is cultivated widely in China, mainly in Jiangxi, but also in S Gansu, S Henan, Hubei, Hunan, S Shaanxi, and Sichuan. The history of the cultivation of this …
ramie, (Boehmeria nivea), fibre-yielding plant of the nettle family (Urticaceae) and its bast fibre, native to China. Green ramie, or rhea …
Potentilla nivea Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 499. 1753. xue bai wei ling cai Herbs perennial. Roots terete. Flowering stems erect or ascending, 5–25 cm tall, together with …
For almost a century, Nivea has been setting new standards for cosmetics in China. Hamburg's openness to foreign markets and their local characteristics may have been the decisive factor. A look back in history …
China grass or Ramie scientifically known as Boehmeria nivea is a flowering plant belonging to the nettle family Urticaceae. The plant is native to thickets, forest …
Boehmeria nivea. Scientific name: Plant family: Common name: Lao name: Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaudich. Urticaceae . China Grass . ປໍປ່ານ (po pan) China Grass, also …