Hydrogen Sulfide Alleviates Aluminum Toxicity in …

Protective role of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) on seed germination and seedling growth was studied in wheat (Triticum) seeds subjected to aluminum (Al3+) stress. We …

Screening candidate genes related to aluminum toxicity …

With the aggravation of soil acidification, aluminum toxicity has become one of the important stress factors affecting seed germination quality and crop yield.

Amelioration of aluminium toxicity on seed germination and …

Aluminium toxicity is manifested in acidic conditions in which phytotoxic form of Al 3 predominates. Open cast bauxite mining and refinement also significantly aggrevating …

Acidity and availability of aluminum, iron and manganese as …

Abstract. Germination ecology of 10 species from acidic dry grasslands and 10 species from alkaline xerothermic grasslands was studied. The seeds were subjected …

mésine germination aluminium

The aim of this work was to determine the germination parameters, to quantify the water status and growth, to assess the Al accumulation, and antioxidant enzyme activities in …

Acidity and availability of aluminum, iron and …

the germination process of photoblastic-positive plant species (Deregibus et al., 1985). Temperature of soil surface, where seeds of photoblastic-positive plant species …

effects of aluminium on plant growth in a temperate and …

Aluminium (Al) is a phytotoxic element affecting the growth and yield of many crop plants, especially in the tropics. Yet, some plants are able to accumulate high levels of Al.

The effect of aluminum on seed germination and early …

Aluminum concentrations of 50–500 μM did not reduce the cumulative percent germination of seeds but impaired the ability of seedlings to become established. The …

Acidity and availability of aluminum, iron and manganese as …

Effect of ionic and chelated iron (FeCl 3 and Fe-HBED) on the final germination percentage (FGP; A) and the index of germination velocity (IGV; B) of the tested …


The phytotoxic effects of aluminum on the seed germination and initial growth of physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.) seedlings were investigated in the present study.