Adirondack Groups to New York State: Law Must Be …

As the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) prepares for exploratory mining in the Adirondack Park Forest Preserve, four …

The APA approved a granite mine in the Adirondacks.

The Adirondack Park Agency approved a mining permit for the White Lake Quarry at its meeting last week, but opponents say they'll keep fighting to stop the project.

An Adirondack Uranium Rush

After the war began, the federal government had offered, upon request, free surveys of strategic minerals in order to utilize the nation's assets. Citing the presence of …

L'exploitation minière dans les Adirondacks | Adirondack …

De nombreuses villes minières des Adirondacks ont disparu ou sont fortement diminuées, mais la diversité ethnique que les mines ont apportée à la région demeure. Des noms …

Advocates Call for End of Mining Exploration in Jay …

In return for allowing mineral sampling and potential expansion of its mine into the constitutionally protected Wilderness, the amendment required NYCO to donate …

DEC's Efforts To Lobby For A Mine In Adirondack Wilderness

Te Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner at the time argued that "defeat of the amendment will cause it [the company] to either shift its …

In North River, a dust-up arises amid mining

By James M. Odato. No one is asking the state to close a local family's garnet mining operation near the Siamese Ponds Wilderness. No one seeks to send 130 …

Mining in the Adirondacks | Adirondack Experience

Mining in the Adirondacks. Most visitors to the Adirondack Park are unaware that mining was once a major industry and employer in the region, or that it brought an …

Mineville Mine Pit | The Center for Land Use Interpretation

Mineville Mine Pit. One of the largest iron mining regions in Adirondack Park is around the town of Moriah, near Lake Champlain. In the 1870s underground mines here produced …

New rare earth age for old NY iron mines

USGS finds that tailings from Industrial Age iron mines in Upstate New York contain significant quantities of the rare earth elements used in an increasingly …