granitic rocks locally enclosing remnants of volcano-sedimentary piles of Greenstone Belts. Greenstone belts are renowned for their rich variety of mineral resources. Zimbabwe …

Du Mali au Zimbabwe, le lithium africain suscite …

Au Zimbabwe, un pays qui abrite d'importants gisements inexploités de cette ressource, la Chine rachète des mines. Selon Reuters, la société Zhejiang Huayou Cobalt investit 300 millions de dollars dans …


Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe is endowed with natural resources which could be extracted for sustainable development and service delivery. The mining sector contributes …

Gas found in Zimbabwe by Australian energy group Invictus

Invictus Energy has discovered gas in Zimbabwe, raising hopes the landlocked southern African nation could become a producer decades after ExxonMobil …

Mining Promotion Company

Exploration A leading exploration company with a wide range of expertise in mineral exploration that holds title to prospective land in Zimbabwe. Land title covers major …

'Our own law is making us beggars': Understanding …

In this article we ask how the extraction of black granite used in grand buildings in the West is experienced by mine-affected people in Zimbabwe's Mutoko …

Mineral Exploration under the auspices of Exclusive …

By 1894 over 65 000 claims had been pegged. As the mining industry grew, government realized the need for systematic mineral exploration over large areas, and for recording …

Unsustainable extraction of minerals must stop: Maguwu

The unregulated and unsustainable extraction of minerals in Zimbabwe has led to numerous social, economic and environmental challenges that communities must …

Surrounded by Mineral Riches, but Living in Poverty

Since the change in the indigenization law, towns can't force mining companies to pay into the trusts, says Nyamukunda, coordinator of the Zimbabwe …

Mineral Extraction and Political Ruptures in Zimbabwe

Strategies for controlling mineral wealth continue to profoundly shape modern political affairs in Zimbabwe, building on colonial-era legacies. Minerals symbolize diverse …