(PDF) Development or destruction? Impacts of mining on

We discovered that mining caused extensive environmental destruction, creating artificial hills and open pits as well as promoting massive soil erosion, …


In 2019, Mhondongori Resources Community Development Trust, a member organization of IANRA, coordinated by Zireva Kudakwashe, petitioned the Zimbabwe government over indigenisation …

Diamond mining in Zimbabwe: fighting human …

Zimbabwe's mining story, is yet another example of why we need a legally binding treaty to stop corporate and state violations of human rights. De Beers held exploration rights for the Marange diamond …

Crisis, Mbingas and Artisanal Small-Scale Mining in …

The growth of informal artisanal mining has resulted from three main reasons. First, the economic crisis in Zimbabwe has forced people to look for ways to survive by any …

Comment le Zimbabwe veut quadrupler ses revenus miniers …

Par exemple, le secteur aurifère fournirait 4 milliards $ de revenus d'exportation, contre 3 milliards pour le platine. Les diamants, le minerai de fer, le …

An assessment of the impact of mining on the …

In South Africa, mining contributed 27 % of the GDP by 2015 through the exportation of gold (Gwenero, 2015). In Mozambique, only the small scale mining sector employed a total of 60 000 workers (Swanepoel, 2016). In …

Le Zimbabwe est en bonne voie pour atteindre 12 milliards …

Selon les plans annoncés il y a quelques années par l'État, 2023 devrait voir le pays générer des revenus de 12 milliards $ grâce à son secteur minier. Au …

Donner de l'espoir aux femmes minières du Zimbabwe

Alors que le pays est aux prises avec des sanctions économiques, de nombreuses Zimbabwéennes rejoignent l'industrie minière artisanale. Les femmes représentent …

Surrounded by Mineral Riches, but Living in Poverty

ZVISHAVANE, ZIMBABWE — In the mining town of Zvishavane, in central Zimbabwe, lies Maglas, an aging, broken-down community burdened with crumbling …

Mineral Extraction and Political Ruptures in Zimbabwe

Strategies for controlling mineral wealth continue to profoundly shape modern political affairs in Zimbabwe, building on colonial-era legacies. Minerals symbolize diverse …