Tuesdays with Dorie (Baking Chez Moi): Fruit and …

In the French kitchen with kids is out now! Click here for details and how to order! Biscotti-like croquant cookies from Dorie Greenspan's Baking Chez Moi for Tuesdays with Dorie.

Croquants Recipe | Epicurious

Croquants. This recipe is the result of a 12-year obsession. I first fell for these wispy cookies when I bought a startlingly pricey pack of them at an upscale …

Cocotte de Légumes (Vegetables) Croquants

Walking down Boulevard Victor Hugo, meters from where van Gogh painted Les Paveurs (1889), I saw Cocotte de Légumes Croquants on the blackboard menu outside the Café des Arts, a bistro-style restaurant …

Croquants provençaux : Recette de Croquants …

Recette Croquants provençaux : découvrez les ingrédients, ustensiles et étapes de préparation.

Croquants – Croquets a Provencal Christmas Dessert Recipe

DirectionsStep1Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C).Step2Place the whole blanched almonds (*) in the bowl of a food processor. (You can also use the same weight in pre-blanched slivered almonds, or

Croquets provençaux

Les croquets ou croquants font partie d'un des treize desserts provençaux que l'on sert à Noël. Il existe bien évidemment des dizaines de variantes à cette recette de croquets provençaux (ou …


Part two of a three-part series about what you may find in Provence after the "big supper" (otherwise known as the "Gros Souper") on Christmas Eve. Called "the thirteen desserts of Christmas" or "Les …

La tomme des croquants — Michel Duran

"Les Croquants" was the name given to rebellious peasants in South West France during the XVI and XVII centuries and in particular to the peasants of the Perigord, Limousin and Quercy …