Shop a wide variety of Posho Mill at the best prices on Metro Tools, one of Kenya's leading tool & equipment suppliers. Book your order now!
A roller mill will usually cost Sh245,000, while a maize crusher goes for about Sh165,000. A hybrid of both roller and crusher will cost about Sh400,000. An alternative is to use just a …
How much is a diesel posho mill in Kenya? 10HP NATASHA DIESEL POSHO MILLS. Cost: 140,000. How much does it cost to produce one bag of maize in Kenya? …™ Combined/ Poshomill now going for Ksh 145,000 (with FREE delivery and installation in Kenya outside abroad get it touch)! It's a Combined Poshomill because it is …
Shop high quality grade 1 posho mill machine at best price in Kenya. We supply most renowned grade one posho mill brands directly to your door. Call us today!
Our combined posho mill, which includes the muthokoi huller/polisher and the regular posho mill, provides multiple functionalities in one, saving time and immense resources. We …
Get the idea? So, how much does a poshomill cost and which one should you settle on? 1. Economy/small scale posho mill (GM02, GM05, GM10 and GM15) …
Large Posho Mills. GM 10mill coupled to a 7.5 HP single-phase electric motor. This Posho mill, supplied complete with all accessories will produce an average output of 2 bags per …
11 rowsWe are the leading supplier of quality posho mill machine include grade 1, electric, single phase, diesel & kisiagi, maize posho at an affordable price in Kenya. Call us now. 0735 676111