Guinée : les compagnies minières sommées de transformer …

Mamadi Doumbouya a ordonné aux compagnies minières étrangères de construire des raffineries de bauxite pour un partage équitable des revenus.

Société Minière de Boké (SMB)

Founded in 2014, Société Minière de Boké has been one of the great revelations of the Guinean bauxite mining sector. Having started production a year after …

Mines – Comment la logistique permet de doper …

Les compagnies minières veulent avoir la possibilité de faire partir leurs trains – remplis de bauxite, de charbon, de cuivre ou de fer – en fonction de leurs seuls impératifs de production.

Employing precision surface mining at African bauxite mine

The Boké Mine in Guinea, Africa, holds some of the world's highest-quality bauxite deposits. To efficiently extract, process and transport the material from the …

SMB-Winning Boke Bauxite Mining Project, …

The Boke Bauxite mining project is a surface mining operation in the Boke region of the Republic of Guinea, West Africa. The mine is being developed by Société Minière de Boké (SMB), a mining …

SMB – Société minière de Boké

The Société Minière de Boké (SMB) has become a leading producer and exporter of bauxite in Guinea. It is a pioneer in constructing road and rail infrastructure, logistical …

Alliance Minière Responsable begins production at Guinea …

An independent French company, designed to develop mining projects in Africa in the respect of the environment and local communities, has announced that …

Alufer Mining Limited – Developing Independent …

Alufer's target is to become a globally significant bauxite producer, creating wealth for its stakeholders by building a sustainable mining business that acts in a disciplined, safe and environmentally responsible manner.

HOME | Elite Mining Guinea

Elite Mining S.A est une société minière de droit guinéen qui développe sa mine de bauxite dans les régions de Kindia et Mamou. Son objectif principal est de devenir un acteur …

Les Meilleures Sociétés d'Exploitation Minière en Guinée

Des behemotes de bauxite aux titans des mines de fer, des chercheurs d'or aux chasseurs de diamants, ces entreprises ont gravé leurs noms dans les annales minières de la …