ANTANANARIVO – À Madagascar, l'industrie informelle et peu réglementée du mica fait travailler jusqu'à 10 000 enfants dans des mines dangereux. Les garçons travaillent …
General discussion of the chemical composition, physical properties, and mode of occurrence of mica is followed by an account of Indian occurrences.
India remains the foremost producer of mica, with Jharkhand and Bihar as key mining centers. These areas are crucial for the extraction and processing of mica, which is used …
explore what would change along the value chain if mica pickers – people handling scrap mica in India – were paid a living income for their work, in a bid to eradicate child labour …
Des fillettes ramassent du mica au Jharkhand, l'un des plus pauvres états d'Inde. Encore trop souvent ce sont des enfants, non …
Investigations have revealed that, through complex supply chains, mica mined illegally in India, often ends up in the products of common and luxury brands, including …
Firstly, Savera carried out a detailed study analysing the current situation in 20 mica mining villages. 40 malnourished children are given access to age-appropriate nutrition and high-quality early childhood care in model …
Indian Mica paintings have significant historical importance and portray unrestrained depictions of daily life in India in the 18th and 19th centuries. Their study is …