Iode : Procédés d'extraction et cas industriels

À partir des caliches, l'iode est lixivié puis récupéré par flottation, extraction dans du kérosène, entraînement par soufflage d'air (« blowing out process »). L'iode …

A novel and complete process for iodine extraction and …

Using 30% H 2 O 2 as an oxidant, all the iodides ions present in wet phosphoric acid was converted into elemental iodine. The iodine was then extracted and stripped quantitatively using pure kerosene and 0.02 M sodium sulfite at ratios (O:A) of …

How to recover iodine more efficiently? Extraction of triiodide

An efficient process was proposed for the recovery of iodine via solvent extraction of triiodide (I3⁻) when 21% of I⁻ was oxidized. I3⁻ and I⁻ rather than I2 were …

How to recover iodine more efficiently? Extraction of triiodide

Although it is simple to operate, the extraction is inefficient to utilize low-grade iodine resource because of the incomplete oxidation or peroxidation of iodide ion. …

A novel and complete process for iodine extraction and …

As phosphoric acid is produced in significant quantities each year more than 20 million tons the extraction of iodine, a byproduct of the wet processing of phosphoric …

Extracting iodine from seaweed | Experiment | RSC …

In this demonstration or class experiment, students observe seaweed being heated to an ash to produce iodide, which can then be oxidised to iodine and recovered by solvent extraction and evaporation


Assume that the iodine distributes itself between the water and chloroform layer in a ratio of 1:9 respectively. This means that one extraction will remove 90% of …

Use of ionic liquids for extraction separation and

Extraction with the ionic liquids trihexyltetradecylphosphonium chloride and ctyl ammonium chloride was found to be able to enrich trace amounts of iodide in …

How to Extract Iodine (with Pictures)

How to Extract Iodine. Iodine is a dark-gray to purple-black, lustrous, solid element with a rhombic crystalline structure. Most often you find it in sanitizing products. …

Utilisation d'un matériau spécifique pour l'extraction de …

La présente invention a trait à l'utilisation pour l'extraction d'iode moléculaire d'un matériau comprenant un premier matériau répondant à la formule (I) suivante: M(L)x[M'(CN)4] …